Problems of the computer age
Because computers provide such convenient storage for large amounts of information, less and less information is stored in other ways, especially on paper. Many organizations have come to rely on computers so much that if the machines break down because of a natural disaster or deliberate human damage, the organizations cannot function effectively.
Another problem with computers is that the data they contain or can transfer may be open to damage, destruction, or theft. For further information on data protection and security, see DATA PROTECTION.
Since the late 1980's, computer experts have been battling against computer viruses. These are programs designed to make multiple copies of themselves and be passed on from computer to computer like a virus. Many cause mischief by leaving silly messages behind. Others cause real damage by changing or deleting information or the software that handles it. Software companies write programs designed to detect viruses and destroy them.
Computers and their programs are the most complex devices in human history, and probably the most useful. Modern industrial societies now depend on them. As computers become more powerful and widespread, computer education must continue to increase also.
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